Hello everyone! If you didn't already know, I recently began to read Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell.This may not be very many pages for some of you, but in the first sitting, I read 90 pages. Immediately, from the first line "XTC was no good for drowning out the morons at the back of the bus." to the last line I read "He started singing his number to the tune of '867-5309', which cracked her right up.", I smiled till the cows came home. And I don't have cows, so they can't come home... Basically, I haven't stopped smiling! :)You know that feeling where after you finish a book, you have a feeling of wholeness. Like your life is complete since you read the book? Yeah, well I've felt like that for the past 20 minutes since putting down the book! On the cover, there's a quote by John Green, saying "Reminded me not just what t's like to be young and in love with a girl, but also what it's like to be young and in love with a book." And it's completely true. I know remember what it feels like to be in love with a book. I'd forgotten about it, maybe the last time I truelt felt it was when I read The Wishing Chair by Enid Blyton, I don't know, but I still know what it's like to be in love... With a book.
Most people describe love as: Every time I think about him, I grin a cheesy grin. My mind wanders, and I stare off out the window, looking at the flower-filled meadow that so-and-so and I could be running through, holding hands, me wearing a white dress and flowers decorating my curled hair, him wearing a suit pants and shirts, both looking like we're from the 1800's. Well, my love isn't wearing slacks. It's wearing a paper back cover, and whispers me words that makes dissolve at the sound. This book makes me happy even at the sight of it... I know this sounds weird but... I think I'm in love! No! Only kidding, but I feel a connection with this book I've never felt before with any other book. Wow! I must sound crazy!
When Eleanor talks about Park, I find myself falling for him. But then that feeling turns weird and kind of disgusted when it goes back to his point of view. It, in a way, feels like I'm falling for someone else and then myself... If that makes sense to any of you who have actually read the book - and if you haven't, then I probably sound absolutely INSANE!
This was a bit of a silly, weird post, and it truly was rant! I must've sound mental when you were reading it, but I just had to get my words out there. Am I the only wacky one out there? Let me know in the comments below what you thought of the first 90 pages of Eleanor and Park - this beautiful, beautiful book!
The Bookworm! :) :) :) :) :) (5 smiles to show my enthusiasm for the book!)
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